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Renewable Energy Certificates

Renewable Energy Certificates

Reading Time: 6 minutes What are Renewable Energy Credits or RECs? Technical definition: renewable energy certificates (RECs) are a tradeable, market-based instrument that represents the legal property rights to the “renewable-ness”—or all non-power attributes—of...
The Importance of Energy Reliability

The Importance of Energy Reliability

Reading Time: 4 minutes Energy reliability is essential to the success of any business. Consequently, an aging power grid that is not reliable can cause most business owners to lie awake at night. Especially during major storms, flooding, earthquakes, or wildfires....
Sustainability Stories: Barry Callebaut

Sustainability Stories: Barry Callebaut

Reading Time: 4 minutes In our most recent sustainable energy stories for food manufacturing, we dive into the inner workings of Barry Callebaut, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of both chocolate and cacao products in the world, producing over 2.2 million...
Using a Marketplace to Build Your Onsite Energy System

Using a Marketplace to Build Your Onsite Energy System

Reading Time: 4 minutes Marketplaces have been central to trade and commerce throughout history. They serve a wide variety of purposes, but working as a platform for commerce is their beating heart. One of the other inherent qualities of a marketplace is as a source...