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Behind the Meter

How to Leverage Onsite Energy Financing Options

How to Leverage Onsite Energy Financing Options

The financial value of financing onsite energy lies in the difference between the wholesale energy price and the cost of the financing option. In an era with annual energy cost increases as high as 45% for some and continued volatility - getting to...

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A Renewable Energy Future for Manufacturing

A Renewable Energy Future for Manufacturing

Advancing sustainability. Reducing downtime risk. Creating a more profitable future through energy efficiency. These are positive side effects of implementing a modernized energy system, And in the manufacturing sector, where incredible amounts of...

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Are Demand Charges Killing Your Bottom Line?

Are Demand Charges Killing Your Bottom Line?

Wineries & summer/fall seasonal intense operations are subject to extremely high “Demand” charges from PG&E and many other utilities. Specifically in the case of Commercial & Industrial PG&E customers, they often overlook the...

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