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How To Create A Plan To Meet Emission Reduction Targets

How To Create A Plan To Meet Emission Reduction Targets

Reading Time: 3 minutes Every day, Sustainability, Operational and Facility Leaders are charged with fulfilling organizations’ clean energy initiatives. They are given a clear “what” – outcome-based metrics like emissions reduction or complete carbon...
Microgrids: Protecting Your Power From Cyber Attacks

Microgrids: Protecting Your Power From Cyber Attacks

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters are common threats to the energy grid. High winds, wildfires, or heavy snow and ice can knock down wires and cause a cascade of blackouts across the system. But what about the threat of cyber...
The Differences Between AC Microgrids And DC Microgrids

The Differences Between AC Microgrids And DC Microgrids

Reading Time: 4 minutes AC Microgrids and DC Microgrids are defined as a decentralized network of loads and energy generation units located within specified electrical boundaries. They possess the ability to perform their operations under the wide-area grid network or...
How To Choose Between A Microgrid And A Virtual Power Plant

How To Choose Between A Microgrid And A Virtual Power Plant

Reading Time: 4 minutes Industrial, commercial, governmental, and other customer groups that cannot afford to rely on the aging centralized power grid are turning to local options customized to their particular energy needs. Microgrids and virtual power plants (VPPs)...
Bioenergy Microgrids – Making Energy Secure With Biomass

Bioenergy Microgrids – Making Energy Secure With Biomass

Reading Time: 4 minutes While solar and wind turbine generation are more common microgrid generation options, bioenergy microgrids are gaining traction in many areas. Bioenergy is a renewable energy source derived from biomass—organic matter such as crop- and urban...