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Samsung Details its Exposure to Power Shutdowns

Samsung lost at least $268 million due to damaged products after its semiconductor fabrication plant in Austin was shut down during the February [2021] Texas freeze, according to the company. Samsung’s Austin fab was offline for more than a month after it was...

GridSwitch Accelerates Project Modeling With VECKTA

Utilizing the VECKTA platform for initial project modeling significantly expedited the modeling process. Typically, discussions with potential customers and the acquisition of all necessary information (bills, interval data, site pictures, site drawings, etc.) to...

VECKTA brought simplicity to a complex supply environment.

To maximize the value of our Elizabeth Creek project, CODA needs to deliver renewable energy solutions with guaranteed reliability and at low cost. VECKTA helped us understand our options, balance trade-offs between different alternatives, and make the best decisions...

VECKTA’s platform a pipeline worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

VECKTA’s prioritization, assessment and analytics platform is unlocking and validating a project pipeline that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Their technology, global market data and expertise help us deliver value in a rapidly changing landscape....