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Behind the Meter

The Power Shift: Energy Transformations and Trends in 2024

The Power Shift: Energy Transformations and Trends in 2024

The energy landscape in 2024 is rapidly evolving, shaped by significant advancements and global shifts. In this piece we take a deep dive into the anticipated energy transformations and trends in 2024.  At VECKTA, we have been discussing what we expect some of the...

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A Renewable Energy Future for Manufacturing

A Renewable Energy Future for Manufacturing

Advancing sustainability. Reducing downtime risk. Creating a more profitable future through energy efficiency. These are positive side effects of implementing a modernized energy system, And in the manufacturing sector, where incredible amounts of energy are consumed...

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Are Demand Charges Killing Your Bottom Line?

Are Demand Charges Killing Your Bottom Line?

Wineries & summer/fall seasonal intense operations are subject to extremely high “Demand” charges from PG&E and many other utilities. Specifically in the case of Commercial & Industrial PG&E customers, they often overlook the significance of these...

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Climate Confident with Tom Raftery

Climate Confident with Tom Raftery

Hey everyone, Tom Raftery here, and I'm excited to share this latest episode of the Climate Confident podcast! In today's conversation, we're diving deep into the energy transition and decarbonisation of the electricity grids with our guest Gareth Evans, CEO of energy...

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Banking on Disaster: Notes from an SVB Banked Startup

Banking on Disaster: Notes from an SVB Banked Startup

For many of us last week the SVB bank situation was a very stressful situation. I do not know anyone that had on their risk registers a line item that read “bank goes out of business” and a plan to deal with the situation. We were all left scrambling, making...

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