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For too long, businesses have mostly been passive consumers of energy from an aging grid. But rising energy costs, decreasing grid reliability, the electrification of everything from vehicles to industrial processes, and pressure to reduce emissions are creating major challenges. The fantastic news is that there is a solution that can help enterprises take control – deploying onsite energy generation and storage systems.

Onsite systems, often combining solar, batteries, wind, fuel cells, and other technologies, allow companies to generate and store their own power right at their facilities.

Main advantages of onsite energy systems


Reduce operating costs

By meeting all or some of the electricity needs by generating it onsite, companies can dramatically cut their utility bills. Many customers are saving millions per year with payback periods of just 1-4 years by deploying onsite power. One customer reduced energy costs by $1.2 million per year for a single facility.

Increase energy reliability

With onsite generation and batteries, companies can ride through grid outages seamlessly with no interruption to operations. This protects against the huge costs of downtime that struck companies like the BP refinery that lost power for weeks due to a transformer failure. US businesses currently lose $150 billion per year from power outages.

Reduce emissions

Solar, wind, and other clean technologies let you green your energy supply and meet sustainability targets without buying expensive offsets. One water treatment facility reduced emissions by 92% with an onsite solar+storage system.

Gain operational flexibility

With batteries, enterprises can shift energy usage to minimize costly peak demand charges that just increased 46% in California. With EVs, you may need onsite power to add charging without overloading the grid connection.

The key to successfully deploying onsite energy is following a four step process


Step 1: Define objectives

Is reducing energy costs the priority? Improving reliability? Meeting sustainability targets? Identify the goals to guide system design.

Step 2: Analyze usage

Understand current energy consumption, costs, emissions, and risks across your portfolio to pinpoint the best opportunities.

Step 3: Design solution

Model various onsite generation and storage combinations to find the ideal technology mix to meet your objectives.

Step 4: Deploy solution

Once the buying committee selects a winning solution, go through structured contracting, financing, construction, and commissioning.

While the technologies are proven, the perceived complexity has made companies hesitant to move forward. That’s why leading companies use VECKTA to easily guide them through these 4 steps to confidently deploy onsite energy.

Now is the time to explore onsite power systems. With incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act covering 30-50% of project costs, rapidly falling technology prices like an 80% decline in battery costs over 10 years, and the need to control costs and emissions, companies can gain a competitive edge by taking control of your energy. Early movers can capitalize on this massive opportunity to increase profitability and reduce business risk exposure.