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Behind the Meter

The EU Energy Transition

The EU Energy Transition

Europe's electricity landscape is witnessing a rapid evolution, with renewables achieving record-breaking shares in electricity production. Last year, renewable energy sources contributed to 44% of the EU's electricity, a pace of growth that surpassed expectations and...

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Microgrid-Integrated Electric Fleet Charging

Microgrid-Integrated Electric Fleet Charging

By Emily Harris With carbon emission reduction goals, transportation electrification, and renewable energy investments growing across the U.S., there is ample opportunity to utilize new technologies and create efficiencies in these systems working together....

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How to approach transitioning to onsite energy in four steps

How to approach transitioning to onsite energy in four steps

For too long, businesses have mostly been passive consumers of energy from an aging grid. But rising energy costs, decreasing grid reliability, the electrification of everything from vehicles to industrial processes, and pressure to reduce emissions are creating major...

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How to Leverage Onsite Energy Financing Options

How to Leverage Onsite Energy Financing Options

The financial value of financing onsite energy lies in the difference between the wholesale energy price and the cost of the financing option. In an era with annual energy cost increases as high as 45% for some and continued volatility - getting to a state of control...

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