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Behind the Meter

Choosing the Right Energy System for Your Facility

Choosing the Right Energy System for Your Facility

After determining which site is ideal for onsite energy, companies must figure out what energy technology meets the needs and goals of the facility. There are many affordable, reliable and sustainable solutions widely available: Gas-powered turbines (including...

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Grid Energy Gluttony & Ozempic

Grid Energy Gluttony & Ozempic

There’s a strong analogy to be made between our food and energy systems.  If you had a choice, which of the following options would you choose: A diet of mass-produced and processed foods for the rest of your life; or A diet of home-cooked meals made with locally...

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Microgrids: The Ultimate Distributed Energy Solution

Microgrids: The Ultimate Distributed Energy Solution

Microgrid adoption has been increasing among commercial and industrial customers in recent years due mainly to the benefits they provide around improved energy reliability and resilience, cost savings, decarbonization and energy control. In this post, we explore...

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How the Energy Transition Mirrors an Ultramarathon

How the Energy Transition Mirrors an Ultramarathon

This week, at 6 pm on Friday, I am taking on a 100-mile run. The hard work of training (681 kilometers of running since January and 8,884 mins of total training) is done. There is not much more I can do aside from staying healthy, working on some niggling aches and...

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How to Set a Portfolio-Wide Onsite Energy Strategy

How to Set a Portfolio-Wide Onsite Energy Strategy

Deploying onsite energy systems across a large portfolio of sites is an immensely complex undertaking. So much so that doing it successfully at scale as eluded most companies. Each site has location-specific characteristics, such as utility rates, energy consumption,...

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The EU Energy Transition

The EU Energy Transition

Europe's electricity landscape is witnessing a rapid evolution, with renewables achieving record-breaking shares in electricity production. Last year, renewable energy sources contributed to 44% of the EU's electricity, a pace of growth that surpassed expectations and...

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Microgrid-Integrated Electric Fleet Charging

Microgrid-Integrated Electric Fleet Charging

By Emily Harris With carbon emission reduction goals, transportation electrification, and renewable energy investments growing across the U.S., there is ample opportunity to utilize new technologies and create efficiencies in these systems working together....

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