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Energy Trends and Market Insights

Ep 36: Season 1 Recap: Main Lessons From 35 Energy Experts

Ep 36: Season 1 Recap: Main Lessons From 35 Energy Experts

 As Season 1 draws to a close, we reflect on the lessons learned from our journey through the previous 35 episodes. One crucial lesson stands out throughout the uncertainty: the power of community and shared experiences. Our podcast venture has highlighted the...

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Ep 30: Simplifying How We Think About the Energy Transition

Ep 30: Simplifying How We Think About the Energy Transition

 Howard Thomas, Principal at Thomas & McKinlay Consulting, brings a fresh perspective to the table as he discusses simplifying our approach to the energy transition. With candid insights that challenge traditional norms, Howard emphasizes the necessity of...

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Ep 27: Power Grid Realities & Risks for Business

Ep 27: Power Grid Realities & Risks for Business

 As we shift towards electrification, where does that leave our current infrastructure? In this episode, we discuss the complexities of energy load growth, grid capacity, and the looming risks for businesses. Listen in as we explain the implications of this...

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