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Behind the Meter

What is Net Metering?

What is Net Metering?

When we turn on the lights, at home or in the office, it comes at a cost. Power isn’t free. How much we pay depends on how many lights, and how long we leave them on for. Calculating your bill typically means lining up your power usage against a rate card with set...

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Wildfire Cycles in Southern California

Wildfire Cycles in Southern California

Many of us feel with Summer being behind us, so too is wildfire season. We would be mistaken, the most devastating wildfires in Southern California have often occurred between October through December each year. This is a result of the low moisture, dry vegetation,...

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Webinar: What is Energy’s Role In Your ESG Strategy?

Reading Time: 2 minutesConsumer and capital market pressure are driving most companies to develop Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) strategies. What is Energy’s Role In Your ESG Strategy? Within the Environmental side of ESG, energy plays a critical role in decarbonization. Impacts are measured across three categories of emissions:

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What is Energy’s Role in your ESG Strategy?

What is Energy’s Role in your ESG Strategy?

Consumer and capital market pressure are driving most companies to develop Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) strategies. Within the Environmental side of ESG, energy plays a critical role in decarbonization. Impacts are measured across three categories of...

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Web3 and the Future of the Energy Sector (Article 1)

Web3 and the Future of the Energy Sector (Article 1)

The Web3 revolution is well underway, with technology, businesses and consumers alike exploring or actively moving towards a more decentralized world. But the energy sector has been slow to catch on – stuck in Web1 mode, where we passively consume energy from a...

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