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After assessing over 40,000 sites and ingesting real-time market and project pricing from its Marketplace, the VECKTA software and AI platform has proven its capacity to automatically configure optimal onsite energy systems, energy, cost, and emission savings, using only the site address and facility type as inputs.

By accurately estimating price, system size, financials, and emissions reductions automatically, commercial and industrial companies can make data-driven decisions about where to focus investment. They can then secure firm prices from installers with the confidence they will be within the range projected by VECKTA. To further refine automated estimates, customers can input site-specific energy load data and detailed energy rates.

For enterprise customers with large portfolios of sites, the initial estimates provide customers with a guide for which projects to prioritize, investigate further, or hold on until market dynamics or goals change.

To automatically assess sites, the VECKTA platform pulls in 5,000 data points per facility – including:

  • Rooftop area
  • Solar irradiance
  • Electricity usage profile
  • Utility billing structures
  • Qualification for tax credits
  • Potential incentives
  • Emissions intensity for Scope 2
  • Outages risks
  • Equipment specifications and prices
  • Construction and labor costs
  • Utility carbon intensity
  • Financial assumptions: depreciation, tax rate, discount rate, inflation rate

For all project estimates, the platform produces an automated report showing:

  • Optimal technology mix and technology sizing for solar and battery energy storage
  • Financial highlights (CAPEX, OPEX, payback, IRR, NPV, incentives)
  • 25-year free cash flow
  • CO2 emissions reduction

VECKTA’s Marketplace of pre-qualified developers and installers has also proven to be an advantage in driving down project costs for customers. The competitive marketplace has saved customers between 25 percent and 40 percent in project costs and PPA rates versus sourcing the solution themselves. Companies can move seamlessly from portfolio assessment to project development to procurement in an efficient, purpose-built environment. VECKTA customers include automakers, retailers, mining companies, healthcare systems, biotechnology, commercial real estate, cold storage, manufacturers, food and beverage, and more.

The ultimate value for commercial and industrial customers is enabling them to confidently buy the right onsite energy systems from the best suppliers in the market across their regional and international portfolios. The integration of layered intelligence and AI with workflow automation saves hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in planning costs and up to 40% in capital costs per project.

Learn more in a related case study here.