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Behind the Meter

A Renewable Energy Future for Manufacturing

A Renewable Energy Future for Manufacturing

Advancing sustainability. Reducing downtime risk. Creating a more profitable future through energy efficiency. These are positive side effects of implementing a modernized energy system, And in the manufacturing sector, where incredible amounts of energy are consumed...

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Are Demand Charges Killing Your Bottom Line?

Are Demand Charges Killing Your Bottom Line?

Wineries & summer/fall seasonal intense operations are subject to extremely high “Demand” charges from PG&E and many other utilities. Specifically in the case of Commercial & Industrial PG&E customers, they often overlook the significance of these...

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VECKTA Logo Breakdown

VECKTA Logo Breakdown

Uncovering the spark behind VECKTA's logo, a visual manifestation of our mission to propel the energy transition forward!

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NEM2.0 vs NEM3.0 – Is the Industry Wrong?

NEM2.0 vs NEM3.0 – Is the Industry Wrong?

Careful analysis reveals the nuance.If you’re in California, you’ll have heard the industry chatter in the wake of the recent CPUC decision regarding net energy metering.  The transition from NEM2.0 to NEM3.0 (Net metering to Net billing, per the state) has been...

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The True Costs of NEM 3.0

The True Costs of NEM 3.0

What is California’s NEM 3.0, and will it be better than NEM 2.0? California is on the eve of significant regulatory and market changes impacting the way businesses and residents who build their own solar power interact with their local utilities.  After years of...

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The History of Net Metering and How to Combat NEM3 Policies

The History of Net Metering and How to Combat NEM3 Policies

The History of Net MeteringNet metering is a pricing model where any excess energy from an eligible customer-sited system is exported to the grid and compensated at the same price as imported energy from the grid. The owner of the onsite energy generator, essentially...

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