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How can sustainability drive both environmental and business success? In this episode, Kristen Siemen, Chief Sustainability Officer at General Motors, shares insights on how GM is integrating sustainability into their core business strategy. Discover how GM is tackling Scope 3 emissions by not just focusing on electric vehicles, but also ensuring that the electricity powering these vehicles comes from renewable sources. Learn about GM’s approach to working with suppliers and stakeholders to achieve shared sustainability goals and how the company’s culture and commitment to continuous improvement drive their long-term success.

Listen in to understand how you can apply these principles to your own business and why sustainability isn’t just an option but a strategic imperative. Kristen’s insights offer a roadmap for balancing environmental responsibility with business profitability, showing that progress is made through continuous efforts rather than waiting for perfection.

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What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

  • How Kristen got involved in sustainability.
  • The importance of collaboration.
  • How GM tackles Scope 3 emissions with electric vehicles and renewable energy.
  • The importance of working with suppliers to meet sustainability goals.
  • How to engage stakeholders in sustainability efforts.
  • Why continuous improvement and goal-setting matter for success.
  • How GM’s company culture supports its sustainability strategy.


  • GM’s work on Scope 3 emissions – The most significant impact comes from transitioning customer usage towards electric vehicles, which necessitates comprehensive efforts beyond just product development. Collaborating with utilities is crucial to ensure that the electricity charging these vehicles is also sourced from renewable energy.
  • Regarding supplier collaboration – GM’s approach is centered on partnership and education. By helping suppliers understand the business advantages of sustainability — such as cost savings from energy and water efficiency — GM ensures that its sustainability goals resonate positively with its supply chain partners. This approach also involves direct involvement through supplier councils and sharing best practices like the “energy treasure map,” which outlines strategies for evaluating and improving facility efficiencies.
  • Engaging stakeholders – One of the primary challenges is fostering initial engagement and understanding among stakeholders. This phase demands significant focus and discipline to illustrate how sustainability aligns with business profitability and long-term success. The progress GM has made is a testament to the effectiveness of their strategies and the perseverance of their teams. By addressing concerns, educating stakeholders, and fostering collaboration, GM is navigating the path towards a more sustainable future while also setting an industry-wide example.
  • Take the first step and set goals – Siemen frequently emphasizes the importance of taking the *first step* and focusing on continuous improvement. This pragmatic approach — *better, not perfect* — reassures both internal teams and external partners that perfection isn’t the immediate goal; consistent progress is.
  • GM’s culture as a driving force – The transformation at GM did not occur overnight but evolved through a combination of internal passion and external pressures. Factors ranging from regulatory requirements and consumer expectations to internal drives and company culture have collectively propelled GM’s sustainability endeavors. Siemen underscores the pre-existing dedication to environmental care seen throughout the company, from wildlife habitats at their facilities to their responsible community presence. This intrinsic company ethic has now converged under a unified sustainability umbrella, yielding a resilient and holistic strategy that ensures GM is leaving the world better than they found it.

Resources In Today’s Episode:

Time Stamps:

  • 00:00:05: Introduction to the episode
  • 00:00:27: Kristen Siemen’s personal passions
  • 00:00:56: Kristen’s background and career at GM
  • 00:01:38: Kristen’s role and goals as VP and chief sustainability officer
  • 00:03:07: Kristen’s transition into the sustainability role
  • 00:06:13: GM’s initiatives in sustainability
  • 00:07:01: Renewable energy goals and achievements
  • 00:08:15: Working with the supply base
  • 00:09:17: Engaging stakeholders and collaborators
  • 00:10:41: Examples of GM’s impact on partners
  • 00:13:01: Integrating sustainability into business strategy
  • 00:15:04: Company culture and sustainability at GM
  • 00:16:08: Advice for those starting in sustainability roles
  • 00:18:25: Collaboration within and outside GM
  • 00:19:54: Balancing innovation and business goals
  • 00:22:10: Innovation in GM’s sustainability efforts
  • 00:24:39: Exciting energy projects and initiatives
  • 00:26:11: Role of GM in EV charging infrastructure and grid support
  • 00:27:12: Introduction to charging infrastructure partnerships
  • 00:27:41: Collaboration with Clean Energy Buyer Alliance
  • 00:28:13: Future of EVs in energy grid reliability
  • 00:28:51: Excitement about energy consumption in the future
  • 00:29:36: High voltage question: Preferred energy technology
  • 00:30:10: GM’s purpose and EVs emotional significance
  • 00:31:03: The dynamic energy market and information sources
  • 00:32:27: GM’s approach to sustainability and impact
  • 00:34:03: Closing remarks on leadership and pragmatism

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