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Now that we’ve designed the right onsite energy system, how do we buy them from developers and contractors? This is a crucial topic for business leaders who want to harness the power of onsite energy. Choosing the wrong contractors could have a very damaging effect on your progress and implementation, so listen in to hear about how you can get multiple quotes, manage risks, and ensure that you’re getting a competitive deal.

If you want to ensure you get a solution that matches your criteria for success and delivers value in the long term, we have important tips to share to help you do just that. Don’t miss our advice on selecting the most qualified contractors and why it’s so important not to take shortcuts in this area of the process. We will give you a step-by-step plan to ensure you are getting the best bids and, ultimately, making the best decisions for your facility.

Listen To The Episode

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

  • How to prepare for a successful partnership.
  • Why running a competitive process is important to finding the right fit.
  • How to set expectations and ensure you get the best contractors to choose from.
  • The best ways to pre-qualify contractors and evaluate bids.
  • Tips for meeting suppliers and using a marketplace platform.

Key Advice:

  • Run a competitive process with highly qualified developers and contractors.
  • Develop a detailed request for proposal (RFP) that clearly outlines project requirements, assumptions, and evaluation criteria.
  • Define financial, operational, and sustainability assumptions, as well as clarify financing options and responsibilities.
  • Pre-qualifying suppliers based on factors like commercial model, project size, and location expertise.
  • The benefits of driving competition among suppliers to maximize value and get better terms.
  • The evaluation process should involve ranking bids against success metrics, meeting potential partners, and negotiating key points.
  • Consider long-term benefits rather than just focusing on the lowest price.
  • The advantages of using a marketplace platform for managing multiple projects, especially in fragmented markets, as it can provide transparency, efficiency, and risk management benefits.

Resources In Today’s Episode:

Time Stamps:

  • 00:00:15: Introduction
  • 00:02:40: Recap of previous episodes
  • 00:03:37: Preparing to find the right partner
  • 00:04:08: Importance of selecting the right developer
  • 00:05:48: Running a competitive process
  • 00:06:22: Developing a request for proposal
  • 00:10:16: Communicating bid evaluation criteria
  • 00:12:04: Specific requirements and assumptions
  • 00:14:03: Evaluating bids
  • 00:15:23: Pre-qualifying suppliers
  • 00:16:52: Project examples and lessons learned
  • 00:22:36: Importance of multiple bids
  • 00:22:50: Evaluating received bids
  • 00:23:47: Meeting suppliers in person
  • 00:26:06: Benefits of a marketplace platform
  • 00:29:41: Comprehensive guide to energy systems
  • 00:30:56: Closing remarks and key takeaway points
  • 00:31:15: Episode conclusion and call to action

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