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We previously explored the intricacies of the centralized grid and the overarching energy transition. In this episode, we focus on one of the pivotal components within this shift: onsite energy. Onsite energy is often a combination of different technologies to meet a specific business need and objective. Listen in as we explain what onsite energy is, shedding light on why it’s gaining prominence in today’s discourse.

You’ll learn about the process of configuring the ideal onsite energy system, both for your company and overarching goals. With the myths debunked and the economic viability and rapid ROI of these systems explained, we hope that business leaders will explore this transformative energy landscape, moving toward a decentralized, resilient, and interconnected energy future.

Listen To The Episode:

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • What onsite energy is.
  • Why onsite energy is becoming more talked about.
  • Several primary benefits of onsite energy.
  • The incentives of switching to onsite energy.
  • The importance of education when it comes to options for energy.
  • How to ensure your business is configuring the right system.
  • What to expect for the future of onsite energy.
  • How to create a more flexible and adaptable energy system.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “Onsite energy is often a combination of various different technologies to meet a specific business need and objective.” – Gareth Evans
  • “Energy is the lifeblood to absolutely everything.” – Gareth Evans
  • “Ultimately, this is all about moving away from a centralized grid infrastructure that has single points of failure to a more connected, flexible, adaptable, distributed energy system.” – Gareth Evans

Resources In Today’s Episode:

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