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Curious about the best way to finance your onsite energy systems? In this episode, we explore the crucial decision between self-financing and debt financing, breaking down the benefits, risks and key considerations for each option. You’ll gain valuable insights into whether it’s better to own your energy systems outright or let someone else take on the ownership—and what that means for your business.

Listen in as we dive into the different financing mechanisms available, from loans and capital leases to PPAs and REAP grants, all while addressing the essential questions every business leader should ask before making this strategic decision. By the end, you’ll have a clear roadmap for financing your energy projects, ensuring predictable costs and reliable inputs for your business. Don’t miss this opportunity to make informed, impactful decisions that could shape your company’s financial future!

Listen To The Episode

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:

  • The three primary paths to financing an onsite energy system
  • The benefits, risks and key considerations of each financing option
  • The three questions business leaders need to ask to determine which financing mechanism is ideal
  • How tax credits work
  • How to take advantage of REAP grants

Resources In Today’s Episode:

Time Stamps:

  • 00:00:10: Introduction: Financing Energy Projects
  • 00:00:37: Personal Updates from Hosts
  • 00:02:40: Introduction to Inflationary Pressures and Market Dynamics
  • 00:03:32: Key Questions for Business Leaders Regarding Financing
  • 00:05:01: Overview of Planning and Developing Onsite Energy Systems
  • 00:05:32: Three Primary Paths to Financing Energy Systems
  • 00:05:54: Benefits and Risks of Owning the System
  • 00:08:00: Financing Through Loans: Secured and Unsecured
  • 00:12:33: Capital Lease as a Financing Option
  • 00:13:06: Overview of USDA REAP Grants
  • 00:14:09: Energy as a Service: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • 00:18:56: Operating Leases as an Alternative
  • 00:19:36: Closing Thoughts and Considerations
  • 00:22:51: Invitation for questions and future topics
  • 00:23:02: Closing remarks

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